And after Candi’s budinasso here’s another recipe for those who have a sweet tooth (=i golosi). I made it for my husband’s birthday as he had requested something not too heavy, based on fruit (I confess that these are my favourite types of desserts). What better than an apple strudel, then? Mind you, this is not the traditional one as it’s made with filo pastry, which is rather flaky and crunchy in texture and not what you would find in Austria. Still it is very good. I used a recipe I found on the BBC Food website and slightly adapted it. The secret with filo pastry is to make sure to brush each individual layer with plenty of melted butter. Or it will stick together and you’ll end up with a stodgy mess.
- 650g eating apples, peeled, cored and chopped
- ½ orange, juice and zest only
- 100g caster sugar
- pinch of freshly grated nutmeg
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 60 gr sultanas
- enough sheets ready-made filo pastry to make 5-6 layers
- 60 gr butter, melted
- 2 tbsp dried breadcrumbs (I used fette biscottate)
Put the chopped apples, orange juice and zest, sugar, nutmeg, cinnamon and sultanas into a large bowl and mix well.
Layer the sheets of filo pastry on top of each other on a large sheet of greaseproof paper, making sure you brush each one with melted butter (I had to overlap two sheets together sideways as the sheets weren’t long enough).
Sprinkle the top sheet with breadcrumbs then spoon the apple mixture in the middle. Roll the pastry around the apples forming a cigar shape, using the greaseproof paper to help. Tuck the ends under.
Place on a greased baking tray, brush with butter and bake for 40 minutes at 190 degrees. Serve with cream.
ti pare un dolce che si possa fare in anticipo, la sera prima per esempio? o è meglio farlo al momento?
I would do it on the same day. The day after it is not as crunchy …
ok capo
Ottimo! Ben fatto Lucina, hai dissolto l’incantesimo della pasta fillo, non la usavo più dopo un primo insuccesso. Una variazione: invece che con il burro lo spennellata con l’olio di oliva, perché una mia preziosa commensale era intollerante ai latticini. Funziona lo stesso.
Oddio ai imparato a usare la pastafillo?????
Che bello non vedo l’ora di qualche dolcetto o dei bei involtini primavera che sarai in grado di fare al mio ritorno
Oddio “hai imparato” mi sa che questo blog serve anche a me per farmi ri-imparare l’italiano non per non-madrelingua
Oh mamma Laura!!! E bei invece di begli? Consiglierei a tua mamma di farti tornare a Canossa sul primo treno!:-)
Aiutooo speriamo che i tuoi professori non leggano mai questo blog. Poco probabile in effetti!!!
and just as well….! 😉
Cmq, l’autorevole latinista autore della mia grammatica del liceo sosteneva che l’acca non è a usare e usava l’accento…
Cmq, l’autorevole latinista autore della mia grammatica del liceo sosteneva che l’acca non è a usare e usava l’accento..