Lemon curd and almond cupcakes

lemon curd cupcakes

You have got to try these little cakes! They are UTTERLY delicious!!! And a doddle to make…. The original recipe (from our good friend Hugh Fearnley….who else?) is actually to make muffins but I put mine in biggish paper cases and the result was they looked more…well  like cupcakes than muffins. So I’ll blog them as such. Mine are actually a variation of what Hugh does as I have mixed the flour with some ground almonds (in the original recipe there is just flour). They are really light and ever so soft. I love their zesty taste of lemon and their yellow colour. And by the way, if you Italians don’t know what lemon curd is (not even sure whether it exists in Italy) look at this recipe to make it. I confess I bought mine at Marks and Spencer but there is nothing stopping you from making your own. In fact, even better! I hope that my son Mike will have a go at making them to impress girls and colleagues alike…:-)


  •  125g plain flour
  • 125 gr. ground almonds
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • A good pinch of sea salt
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1 medium egg
  • 125g plain yoghurt
  • 125ml whole milk (I used semi skimmed and it was just fine!)
  • 75g unsalted butter, melted and slightly cooled
  • 150g lemon curd


1. Put 12 large paper cases into a muffin tray. Put the flour, ground almonds, baking powder, salt and caster sugar in a large bowl and whisk lightly to aerate and combine.

2. Mix the egg, yoghurt, milk and melted butter together in a jug. Pour them into the dry ingredients and mix lightly, stopping as soon as everything is combined – it’s essential not to over-mix or you’ll get dense cakes. Add the lemon curd in six seven blobs or so. Lightly  and quickly stir it in (again, not too much!).

3. Spoon  some mixture into each muffin case (up to the tre quarter level).

4. Bake in an oven preheated to 180°C/gas mark 4 for about 30 minutes until golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack to cool. They are delicious eaten still warm from the oven, however I kept them for a few days in an airtight container and they were still fab.

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2 Responses to “Lemon curd and almond cupcakes”

  • Eh eh lo sapevo che eravamo quanto mai trendy su questo blog! Mai fatto una cupcake e adesso non ho più scuse. Tutta la famiglia, nonna compresa, adora la lemon curd. Non molto dietica, ma è tanto buona che ne basta poca per dare sapore. Ho cominciato a farla grazie a te, Lucina, vera mentore culinaria, quando un secolo fa mi regalasti i libri di Delia, estate e inverno. La lemon curd è nella winter collection ed è presto diventata un must nelle torte del giorno dei 3 compleanni, l’11 febbraio.
    Intanto ho affinato la tecnica e ne ho messa a punto una superveloce da fare nel microonde. Prova a vedere come ti viene e non dovrai più andare da Marc and Spencer.
    Ecco la ricetta:
    metto in un pirex di vetro dai bordi alti (o altro contenitore da microonde) 75 gr. di zucchero, 2 uova sbattute, la buccia grattuggiata e il succo di un limone bio, 50 gr. di burro a pezzetti. Faccio cuocere per 4 minuti e mezzo a 450 W di potenza. tiro fuori e mescolo e decido a seconda della consistenza se fare andare altri 30 secondi.

  • Mondiale Candida! Vedi, io t’insegno le cose e tu mi superi! Non ho più scuse. In futuro dovrò fare la mia lemon curd!!!!:-)

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