Blackberry jam

blackberry jam

Dear readers, apologies for the long silence but we encountered technical problems on the blog. Basically when we logged in  as administrators it was all a big blank, as if everything had disappeared. Cue in panic attack…What? The work of over 4 years down the drain? Luckily Candi has a techno savvy son and he managed to sort it out for us (thank you Matteo!!!) but we had to wait until he came back from his holidays. He was trying to explain to me what had gone wrong but it was like he was speaking double dutch. FTP files? What are they? Plugins? Akismet?  They sound like characters out of the Muppet show…Anyway, we are back in business so today I would like to share how to make blackberry jam with you. I love this jam, seeds and all, and it is so easy to make. It sets really well and quickly. Honestly: everyone could make it. I have already made 3 batches as blackberries are beginning to ripen now (earlier than usual) and are readily available if one knows where to look. Do take yourself in the countryside, collect some and have a go! And by the way, you will have to be patient once more as both me and Candi will be away for the next 2 weeks.

INGREDIENTS (obviously adapt quantities according to weight of blackberries)

1 kg. blackberries

1 kg. sugar (I used golden caster sugar but any will do)

juice of half a lemon

a few tablespoons of water


blackberry jam1

Wash your blackberries and put them in a large pan together with your water and lemon juice. Turn the heat on, bring to the boil and simmer gently for approx. 12 minutes.

blackberry jam2


Then, and only then, add your sugar. Stir well and make sure it has all dissolved. Turn the heat up and boil vigorously for approx. 8-10 minutes. Wait  5 minuters then put in sterilized jars.


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