Don’t be put off by the pale, snot green colour of this hummus, reader! It is actually a lot greener and not as anemic as the picture suggests. I should have used a white bowl and taken the photo during daytime. Ah well! Not to worry. You have to trust me that this hummus is really easy to make and has a lovely, delicate flavour. I invented it myself as I wanted to use a nice avocado which was languishing in my fruit bowl and was JUST at the right stage of ripeness (and we all know how difficult this is to achieve! I have thrown away many an avocado before! Not ripe enough…bat your eyelids…..too ripe! GRRRR!). Anyway, recently, don’t ask me why, I have been suffering from hummusitis, meaning I have tried my hand at different types of hummus. I used to buy it regularly, in its many varieties, until I realised it’s a cinch to make. Basically you bang all the ingredients in the food processor and voilà! Why waste money buying ready made when making it is as quick and a lot healthier? Plus more satisfying? Candi has already blogged a hummus recipe in Italian. Since I’m on the subject I shall also write the bog standard recipe I use for the traditional hummus at the bottom of this page. AND show you a much prettier picture I took on that occasion.
1 can of butter beans, drained (but keep a bit of the water)
1 large ripe avocado (or two medium ones)
1-2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped (I use the garlic press)
juice of 1 lemon
2 tbspoons tahini paste
some olive oil to drizzle on the top
As mentioned already it couldn’t be simpler: place all ingredients, minus the olive oil, in a food process and whiz until smooth. If a bit too stiff add a couple of tablespoons of the water from the butter beans. Put in a bowl and drizzle some olive oil on the top. Lovely with crudites and pitta bread.
For the traditional hummus I use:
1 can of chick peas, drained (reserve some of the liquid)
1-2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped (depending on taste)
juice of 1 lemon
2 tbspoons tahini paste
salt and a bit of pepper
a bit of paprika and olive oil (for the top)
Again all you have to do is whizz all ingredients in a food processor. That’s all! Put in a bowl, drizzle some olive oil on the top and sprinkle with a bit of paprika. Some people put a bit of ground cumin in the mixture. Also I’ve noticed that in some recipes they use a higher quantity of tahini paste but I found the hummus tasted a bit bitter if I did that.
Ottimo, ecco cosa farò a pranzo, se troverò un avocado maturo giusto. Anche per me è sempre un problema. I butter beans sono i fagioli di Spagna, no? Quando avremo tempo per il nostro glossario??
Penso di sì. Sono quelli bianchi e grossi. Comunque potresti usare anche i cannellini.