What on earth is kohlrabi? I hear you ask….Well, I confess I didn’t know myself until I got one in my veggie box (if you don’t know what it looks like scroll down. I took a lovely pic of it to show you). The thing is I can’t choose the vegetables I get delivered in my season box. This has its downsides, the main one being that when it’s cabbage season you get it EVERY week (different ones, I grant you)…and let’s face it, there is a limit to HOW MUCH cabbage a human being can cope with (or his/her intestines to be more precise. Sorry for being blunt). The upside of not being able to choose, however, is that on occasion you get some vegetables you just would not buy but which turn out to be not too bad after all (see my comment on beetroot). And other times, like in the case of the Jerusalem artichoke or indeed the kohlrabi, you get something which you just haven’t got a clue in hell as to A) WHAT it is and B) HOW to cook it. In the case of the mysterious kohlrabi I discovered a few interesting facts. The first one being that although it is pretty unknown here in England, and I gather in Italy too (Candi, please confirm or deny the allegation) in Germany and Eastern Europe it is very common. How to describe its taste? Continue reading ‘Kohlrabi, carrot and cumin salad’
Archive for the 'salad' Category
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It looks as if I’ll have to post another recipe and quick as Candi clearly hasn’t yet worked out how to upload photos using her new camera. Oh dear me! The trials and tribulations of new technology,eh? I think I’ll personally stick to my mobile phone. Ok , my photos are far from looking professional but still…you get the picture, right? And pardon the pun on words…Anyway, here’s a new salad recipe I tried the other day using Jerusalem artichokes. I found them in my last veggie box (it must be that time of year again) so decided to try something different from the soup I made last time (and blogged). The recipe is taken and adapted from a new recipe book I got at Christmas by Hugh Fearnley- Whittingstall called River Cottage everyday. I’ve never roasted Jerusalem artichokes before but I’ve got to say I was impressed. They tasted really lovely and went very well with the goat’s cheese. In The River Cottage book the goat cheese used is the hard, crumbly variety which gets tossed in the salad itself, but I used the other type, grilled it and placed it on top. I reckon it is equally nice. Continue reading ‘Roast Jerusalem artichoke,hazelnut and goat’s cheese salad’
Aiuto! Le scappatelle costano! E un weekend un po’ allungato di vacanzina si è trasformato in una settimana affannata a seguire. Ma eccomi qui, di nuovo, dopo la mia passeggiata madrilena. Di corsa e quindi ecco una cosa veloce che si può preparare prima e che è doubleface: antipasto o secondo, all’occorrenza. Se si cerca sul web si trova moltissimo sulle proprietà del sedano rapa (o sedano di Verona, celeriac, celery root, turnip-rooted celery or knob celery…). A me piace moltissimo, è ricco di sali minerali e con pochissime calorie. Quindi lo si può usare come “massa” innocua per aumentare la quantità senza dolore molti piatti. Continue reading ‘Insalata di pollo e sedano rapa’
Quest’anno qui non fa molto caldo e, dovendo stare a casa tutto luglio e agosto, questa è una vera fortuna. Ma una buona insalata di riso fresca è comunque un piatto piacevole per l’estate. Questa ho cominciato a farla anni fa perché ai miei figli non piacevano i vari sottoolii e sottaceti che si mettono normalmente nelle insalate di riso. E molto semplice e ha il pregio di poter (anzi dover) essere preparata in anticipo. Continue reading ‘Insalata di riso rigorosamente verde’
Now that the nice season is about to start (at least we hope! This is England after all…) and the days are getting longer and warmer what is better than a nice salad? I LOVE trying different combinations and often order one when I eat out, particularly in the summer. To be honest it’s difficult to go wrong with salads and you can be very imaginative when creating one, if you wish. The days of the bog standard lettuce, tomatoes, peppers and cucumber are over, I am sure. The one I’m sharing with you today is a firm favourite of mine ( I ADORE blue cheeses!!!). You will have probably come across it before . I am not claiming originality. Even so, this blog is all about what REAL people actually cook. Right? And this is what I made the other night. I really like the combination of the sweetness of the pear and the saltiness of the roquefort cheese. By the way in Italian there is saying that goes “al contadino non far sapere quanto è buono il formaggio con le pere” (literally translated it means: don’t let the peasant know how good cheese with pears is”). I doubt there will be any peasants amongst our readers hence I’m safe! He he. As to what the saying really means….well…. have a guess people! Continue reading ‘Pear, roquefort and pecan nut salad’
Et voilà! I have also managed to take a picture of my latest creation ( read: what we had for supper tonight)and upload it on the blog. HOW clever am I, eh? Ok, it took me the best part of two hours to work out how to send the photo from my phone to the computer (GRRRR!), and then on to the blog BUT I DID IT! Can’t say Bill ( my poor husband) was impressed about my Oliviero Toscani’s attempts to photograph his food before he could eat it. I do confess it took a few attempts before I was satisfied with the results. Continue reading ‘Niçoise salad’
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