It looks as if I’ll have to post another recipe and quick as Candi clearly hasn’t yet worked out how to upload photos using her new camera. Oh dear me! The trials and tribulations of new technology,eh? I think I’ll personally stick to my mobile phone. Ok , my photos are far from looking professional but still…you get the picture, right? And pardon the pun on words…Anyway, here’s a new salad recipe I tried the other day using Jerusalem artichokes. I found them in my last veggie box (it must be that time of year again) so decided to try something different from the soup I made last time (and blogged). The recipe is taken and adapted from a new recipe book I got at Christmas by Hugh Fearnley- Whittingstall called River Cottage everyday. I’ve never roasted Jerusalem artichokes before but I’ve got to say I was impressed. They tasted really lovely and went very well with the goat’s cheese. In The River Cottage book the goat cheese used is the hard, crumbly variety which gets tossed in the salad itself, but I used the other type, grilled it and placed it on top. I reckon it is equally nice.
- 75g whole toasted hazelnuts
- 600g Jerusalem artichokes
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- 2 sprigs of thyme (I used dried thyme)
- ½ lemon
- a couple of handfuls of winter salad leaves
- 150 gr. goat cheese (or more if you want)
Scrub the artichokes well and cut into halves or quarters lengthways, depending on size – you need chunks about 1.5cm thick.
Put the artichokes in a bowl and turn over in 3 tablespoons of olive oil with the thyme and a little salt.
Tip into the hot roasting tin and roast for about 35 minutes at 190 degrees, until tender and lightly golden, taking the tray out after 15 minutes to turn the artichokes over.
Allow to cool slightly.
Whisk the remaining tablespoon of oil with the oil, trickle it over the warm artichokes, squeeze on a good spritz of lemon juice and season with salt and a few grinds of black pepper.
Turn the artichokes over gently with your hands so that everything is well combined.
Add the hazelnuts, and the salad leaves , toss gently, then divide between serving plates.
Grill the goat’s cheese and place on top. Enjoy!
Dunque non sbucci i topinanbur ma solo li “scrubbi” bene, cioè li sfreghi bene e li pulisci? Questo sarebbe comodissimo. Mi piacciono molto, ma non li trovo spessisimo purtroppo.
Yes, you don’t peel them, according to the recipe. And I must say it worked really well. In truth if you peel them you remove half of the blasted thing! They are very knobbly and fiddly aren’t they? And, as we know, life is too short! 😉
e io, tonta, che mi sono sempre dannata a sbucciarli…
La principessa Lucina ha introdotto nella mia dieta questi deliziosissimi topinanbur. Li mangio, non sbucciati e tagliati sottilissimi, in insalata con carote, peperoni e succo di limone + olio evo naturalmente. Ho letto in un sito che l’ accoppiata di queste due verdure esaltano e valorizzano il sapore di questa non proprio comune radice. Ne sono convinta, provare per credere!
principessa? non sapevo che trasferendosi in un regno fosse arrivata a tanto…
Ha ha Candi, this is the name my good friend Carmelita has cheekily given me because I’m always making people wait for me in the morning (read her) on the way to work (we share lifts). The thing is she arrives a good ten minutes before the allotted time! What am I supposed to do? Of course she has to wait! She is Sicilian for goodness sake! Why is she arriving early? Italians MUST be late. A more German nature you couldn’t find in the whole of Italy if you looked for it! And then she jokingly accuses ME of belonging to Lega Nord! Really!!! She should have been born in Dusseldorf!:-)