Well……apparently I’m not talking to the wall. My friend Carmelita religiously follows what I’m posting and I’ve had recent confirmation that a lovely ex student of mine (Jane) also frequently checks the blog to see what I’m eating. She has recently tried my raspberry muffins recipe and posted it on her FB page. Bless!!! So here I go again. The show must go on! I had a group of friends over for a buffet lunch yesterday. Everyone had to bring something so I decided to bake a quiche. Hadn’t made one for AGES! Don’t quite know why as I really like quiches….Actually, I do know why. They are a bit faffy to make. HOWEVER they are lovely to eat with a nice salad so I decided to have a go. I “cheated” by buying ready made shortcrust pastry (sorry!!!). The idea for this quiche came when I saw it in a baker’s shop in Belgium. I’ve tried to recreate it, with pleasing results. Everybody enjoyed it at any rate, including myself!
one packet ready made shortcrust pastry
4 eggs
1 small head of broccoli
80-100 gr. smoked salmon (I reckon poached fresh salmon would also be good too!), sliced
120 ml milk
120 ml cream (double, if possible)
3-4 tbspoons grated parmesan
some chopped tarragon (optional)
Line a 20 cm. quiche dish with pastry and bake blind at 180 degrees for approx 15 minutes. In the meantime steam the broccoli florets for 3 minutes or so. Rinse under cold water to cool and drain well. Beat the eggs, milk, cream together, then add the chopped tarragon, the parmesan and some salt. Get the pastry case out of the oven, place the broccoli and the smoked salmon on top then pour over the milk, cream and egg mixture. Bake for approx. 40-45 minutes, until golden.
Non preoccuparti, mia cara Lucina, anch’ io compro la pastry nel banco frigo del supermercato.
Mi sfizia questa tua nuova ricetta perche’ non l’ho mai provata col salmone. Le mie quiche, di solito, hanno solo ingredienti vegetali come zucchine, spinaci e pomodorini. Viva la fantasia!
Ps dici che qualche gamberetto andrebbe bene?
Cara Lucina, sono arrivata ma non riesco ancora a raggiungere la cucina, accidenti. Ma rimedierò. Visto che con Carmelita siamo in vena di outing, anch’io spesso compro la pasta brisée nel banco frigo. Certo a volte la faccio, ma sai com’è… è così comoda e ce ne sono di qualità ormai in vendita. Oggi andrò a rifornire la dispensa deserta e comprerò gli ingredienti per fare la tua che sembra proprio appetitosa. Ma anche quello strano Kedgeree è da provare… Al lavoro dunque!
Dimenticavo, qual è la differenza tra cream and double cream? Da noi a cosa corrisponde?
Quando hai tempo facci una lezioncina sulle differenze tra questi prodotti latticini-pannosi… non ci capisco niente!
CANDIDA!!!!!! So lovely to have you back on the blog! Never go away again in the future … It was lonely without you….:-( What’s double cream, you asked…Well in England there are three types of cream you can buy: single, whipping and double. The double cream is the one with the highest content of fat , but also-obviously- the tastiest! Why is it that the nicest things you can eat in life are also the ones packed full with calories? It’s not fair, is it? Anyway, don’t worry! Any good cream ( not UHT!) that you can buy in Italy will do very nicely for this recipe. I’m expecting some outlandish south American recipe now, thank you!
Disbosco la casa prima 😉
Bentornata Candida! Siamo in trepidante attesa delle tue nuove perle culinarie.

Ciao! Domandina: ma secondo le esperte e’ possibile sostituire la panna con un ingrediente un po’ piu’ leggero?…domanda da salutista….
Potresti provare a farla con il latte invece che la panna. Perché no? Verrebbe senz’altro più leggera. Magari non così saporita ma senz’altro più healthy!