Ecco una torta proprio casereccia, anche l’aspetto è un po’ da Nonna Papera, ma che al gusto si rivela inaspettata per il tocco delle mandorle e il profumo fruttato del rabarbaro. Il rabarbaro in questa stagione? Io l’ho tirato fuori dal freezer, cosa che consiglio a tutti voi. Coglierlo o comprarlo quando è stagione, pulirlo, lavarlo e metterlo asciugato nel freezer semplicemente in un sacchetto di carta. Si potrà usare nelle torte senza stare a sgelarlo, basta smollarlo cinque minuti per tagliarlo a tocchetti e infilarlo nell’impasto. Una bella aggiunta di sapore fuori programma e a buon mercato!
Tag Archive for 'rabarbaro'
Rhubarb and creme fraiche tart
I fear this recipe will cause some problems for the Italians as rhubarb is something unknown in Italy. You can’t buy it in supermarkets over there, for example . In fact I would be surprised if an Italian knew what rhubarb looks like. Am I right? Please Candi/Italians, correct me if I’m wrong. However don’t despair: you could probably adapt this recipe and use another soft fruit instead, like raspberries or blueberries. I don’t know about you but I really love rhubarb. It’s really lovely stewed with some sugar and then eaten with yoghurt. Would you believe that in Holland it is classified as a vegetable and eaten as a side dish to accompany meat? Really quite bizarre! Anyway, this tart was made by one of the ladies that belongs to my book group. I liked it so much that I asked for the recipe. I have already made it a few times, slightly adapted from her original one. If you have the time to make your own shortcrust pastry this is a lovely dessert worth the faff. Continue reading ‘Rhubarb and creme fraiche tart’
Panna cotta al rabarbaro. Laura in cucina
E così mentre me ne sto tranquilla a Mosca, quando meno me l’aspetto ricevo una mail dalla mia dolce bambina: “la cucina di casa è aperta anche senza di te :)”. Ecco cosa succede a far le donne emancipate che vanno in giro per il mondo. Chi va via perde il posto all’osteria. Morto un re se ne fa un altro. La mia cucina ha un’altra eroina che addirittura prepara le foto per il blog.
Ho davanti a me due vie:
1. la regina cattiva e cercare al più presto un cacciatore
2. far buon viso a cattiva sorte e godermi la nuova dolce vita che mi si prospetta in famiglia
Intanto che ci penso faccio il mio dovere e posto la ricetta e la foto speditemi da Laura. Continue reading ‘Panna cotta al rabarbaro. Laura in cucina’
Rhubarb jam
I LOVE jam, particularly the home made variety so it’s baffling that I don’t make my own on a regular basis. Because, let’s be honest, it’s not that complicated. How difficult is it to boil some fruit with some sugar and put it in jars? Ok, you need to get the quantities right but still! So I thought the time had come to have a go and decided to make some rhubarb jam. I love rhubarb (sorry Candi. I have never seen it on sale in Italy. Another idea for import /export? Already you have to start growing parnsnips, remember?) so last time I was shopping I bought two bags (on offer, as it happens) and some jam sugar and when I came home I put the lot in a big pan and started boiling away. Just like a witch with her cauldron. Well….. it didn’t take me long to produce the finished result. And it is amazingly good: it tastes divine and the consistency is JUST right. WHY haven’t I done it before? It’s so simple! Honest! Next time I might even add some grated ginger . Sorry to be bragging about it but I have to share with you this cookery success, right? Next session is going to be with my friend Carmelita who also wants to try her hand at jam making (she has always been scared of it. But WHY? I really don’t know..). We are going to make some blackberry jam, to be precise. She knows a secret spot where loads of them are growing (mind you: they are not ripe yet!). What better than that? But for now let’s see how I made my fabulous rhubarb jam. Continue reading ‘Rhubarb jam’
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