Monthly Archive for febbraio, 2018

Sticky orange marmalade cake

sticky orange marmalade cake

sticky orange marmalade cake

Back to being naughty with the recipe of this gorgeous cake, which I made for my book group ladies last night. As mentioned before all the ladies belonging to this reading group are exceptional bakers. Hence it is always a source of stress to have to provide a cake for the evening for fear that what you produce is NOT QUITE UP TO STANDARD. It goes without saying that bringing a ready made cake would be very much frowned upon. If it’s your turn to bake it has to be home made. The one and only time when one of these ladies forgot to make the cake and we had to resort to bought biscuits (the horror of it!) has never been quite forgotten (never mind forgiven).:-) In truth I am not that worried when it’s my turn , as I don’t get worked up that easily, but I know some of the other ladies do. Same when it’s their turn to choose the book. BUT WHY? Why get your knickers in a twist, I ask. It’s not as if they have written the book they are proposing themselves. Even if the book was not to the others’ liking, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. Right? Wrong! These ladies start fretting weeks before they are due to choose (we take it in turn, see?). All except me…ha ha. I have had cancer: life is too short to fret about a book. But back to the cake. The reason why I went for this particular one was that a few weeks ago I made some delicious orange marmalade (see recipe here) courtesy  of my good friend, and book group member, Janet who donated a bag of Seville oranges to me. So here is the recipe for you all to enjoy. Definitely one to make again…and again. By the way the recipe comes from the Happy foodie blog. Continue reading ‘Sticky orange marmalade cake’