Monthly Archive for settembre, 2014

Breadcrumbed fennel

breadcrumbed fennel

I don’t know about you but I adore fennel! I love its aniseedy flavour. I often steam it and then add a bit of crème fraiche and grated parmesan to it. Simple and delicious. But today I was in the mood to try something new. Cast your eyes on the left hand side of the picture to see what the final result looked like. Ignore the rest. I was impressed with how nice this way of cooking fennel was. Ok, I confess: it’s a bit of a faff and your kitchen will look  like a bomb site by the time you have finished ( you have to dip it in three different things before frying it) BUT it’s worth it. I had it with salmon and mangetout, as you can see, but I think these delightful slices of breadcrumbed fennel  would go equally  well with some sort of dips as a starter or indeed as an  accompaniment to any roast. Try it for yourself! Continue reading ‘Breadcrumbed fennel’

Meringhe allo zafferano

2014-07-20 16.25.08 Le meringhe sono il mio punto debole. Credo di averlo già detto, ci ho messo quasi trent’anni per imparare a farle, almeno finché non ho incontrato questa ricetta infallibile di Dario Bressanini.

Poi, visto che Matteo sta coltivando lo zafferano e andando in giro per corsi, mi racconta le cose che prova dopo aver zappato, ho colto la palla al balzo e ho aromatizzato le meringhe. Buonissime!

Tanto ci sono piaciute che abbiamo continuato l’esperimento e le abbiamo fatte versione aftereight, con un po’ di menta in sciroppo nell’impasto e della glassa di cioccolato sciolto.

Continue reading ‘Meringhe allo zafferano’

Milk bread loaf

milk loaf2

Hello everyone, I am finally back after my Greek holiday and rearing to cook again (and share my recipes with you). I confess it is a bit depressing to come back to Autumn after some lazy sunny days spent on the island of Paxos. On the other hand it is nice to be able to throw toilet paper down the loo again (which is forbidden in Greece, in case people don’t know…). Anyway, moving on swiftly, let me share with you the recipe of this milk loaf bread (courtesy of Dan Leppard) which I made for the traditional book group ladies tea party  which takes place every year in August. The idea is to use the best china and produce a top notch afternoon tea. Everyone has to contribute. All the ladies belonging to the group are excellent cooks so it is always delicious and worth the extra calories. This year the host was my good friend (and lover of all things Italian), Jill. She made a lovely job of setting it up (as you can see from pics below). I would have paid top dollars to partake of what turned out to be a most delicious afternoon tea, which would have made  Jane Austen proud. My brief was to make dinky sandwiches so I couldn’t possibly buy a ready made Warburton loaf, could I? I had to make my own. This one was really lovely: soft and delicate. A bit of a cross between a brioche and bread.  I’d recommend you try it! Obviously you have to cut the crusty bits off but they are so nice I scoffed the lot. 😉 Continue reading ‘Milk bread loaf’