Monthly Archive for giugno, 2014

Vellutata di zucchine alla nocciola

Eh! solo Lucina deve postare cibo salutare? Eh no. Ecco qua per rimediare (anche per le prossime ricette che saranno dolci) una zuppetta veloce e davvero buona. Il sapore delle zucchine sta benissimo con le nocciole e così ho fatto questo esperimento. Continue reading ‘Vellutata di zucchine alla nocciola’

Linguine with fennel, rocket and lemon

fettuccine with fennel, rocket and lemon

Pasta is such a versatile dish. There must be thousands of different recipes out there waiting to be made and yet we always end up making the same old, same old. But last night I was determined to find a new one to add to my repertoire. And this is what I found, which I’m now sharing with you. It’s in the Veg book by Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall (great collection of vegetarian recipes, by the way!). It’s really fresh tasting, thanks to the lemon zest and incredibly quick and easy to make. I was impressed and will certainly make it again. Of course you can use any pasta you like. I believe good old Hugh uses tagliatelle. Continue reading ‘Linguine with fennel, rocket and lemon’

Torta glassata alla lemon curd

  Sarà femminile o maschile la lemon curd? Mah, io la sento femminile (chissà perché, analogia con marmellata, crema ecc. oppure per quel tanto di acido che finisce sempre in dolce??).

Comunque dopo un po’ di assenza (vacanze, eh, finite!),  dopo tutti i cibi salutari postati da Lucina, dopo un risotto italiano preso da un libro inglese e cucinato da una signora inglese, sarà anche ora di una bella torta inglesizzante cucinata e italianizzata da me. Viene da un vecchio libro di Delia, fattami conoscere, come al solito da Lucina, tanto tanto tempo fa, Delia Smith’s Winter Collection. Sarà anche winter collection, ma la torta va benissimo anche per l’estate. Niente Lauma nella foto, purtroppo, perché l’avevo fatta parecchio tempo fa ed era lì che aspettava di essere postata. Come si vede, io ho fatto troppa poca glassa. E buonissima anche così, ma io aumenterei le dosi della glassa per un migliore effetto. Continue reading ‘Torta glassata alla lemon curd’

Lentil and mushroom curry

lentil and mushroom curry

The idea to make this wholesome curry came from my son Tom, who, just like his mother, enjoys experimenting in the kitchen. We often swap ideas and recipes over the phone. I kind of made up this recipe as I went along: I looked at what ingredients I had available and used them so I’m sure you can alter/adapt/add. It’s a very simple dish to make and surprisingly tasty.  It was even nicer the following day. I served it with a home made naan (see recipe here) as you can see from the picture.  By the way I have effectively become vegetarian. I  still eat meat when I go to people’s houses , etc. but I have stopped buying it. I only buy fish. I’m sure I’ll be all the better for it. Anyway, the point is that I have to make sure to eat a balanced diet which doesn’t mean a slice of cake in both hands. 😉 That’s why I like eating pulses: they are a good source of proteins , they are  cheap, low-fat and also contain precious fibre, vitamins and minerals. What more can we want? Continue reading ‘Lentil and mushroom curry’

Asparagus, broad beans and herbs risotto

broad beans, asparagus and herbs risotto

This delicious risotto was made by my dear friend (and chemo buddy) Cairine who took pity on my broken leg (and on the fact I was home alone for the week ) and invited me over for dinner. What you must know is that cooking is not her forte (or so she says. I am beginning to doubt it, to be honest) so she was feeling slightly terrified at the prospect of cooking her favourite risotto to an Italian person  who, on top of that, runs a blog. But she needn’t be, as it was simply delicious! AND she used her iron cast pot (see photo below)! I helped her to stir it and to add the stock but she did it all on her own. The proof I really enjoyed it is that it’s now on my blog. So well done Cairine and thank you for the inspiration!! I’ll definitely make it again! By the way the recipe comes from the Riverford organic farm website. Continue reading ‘Asparagus, broad beans and herbs risotto’