This recipe is for all the soup fans out there. As you know I like a good soup and I often experiment with them. It couldn’t be simpler and quicker. Let’s face it, you don’t need any sophisticated culinary skills to achieve a decent one. However, although easy to produce not all soups are equal. Some are a cut above the rest and the combination of vegetables used works particularly well, like in the case of this pea and fennel soup I invented last night, for example. Ok, I’ll come clean : I had a fennel in the fridge which was beginning to look a bit sad and had to be used pronto and I had just bought a bag of frozen peas in the supermarket. BINGO! The pea and fennel soup was born! Well….not only it was really good (the fennel gave a nice aniseedy taste to it) but its texture was also interesting as I left some whole, blanched peas in it instead of liquidizing everything. My husband was very complimentary about it. So while I’m keeping an eye on my sourdough experiment let me tell you what to do.
1 large sweet onion, sliced
1 large potato, cubed
1 fennel, sliced
750 gr. garden peas (frozen will do very nicely)
1 lt. vegetable stock
a bunch of flat parsley
3 tbspoons olive oil
Gently warm the olive oil in a pan and sweat the onion, potato and fennel for approx 10-12 minutes. Add all the peas (minus a handful of them) and vegetable stock and boil for another 10-15 minutes until vegetables are tender ( I used the pressure cooker). In the meantime blanch the peas you have set aside for a few minutes and cool in some cold water, so that they retain some bite. When the vegetables are cooked throw in the parsley and liquidize the lot. Add the remaining peas and serve, in my case sprinkled with a generous amount of grated parmesan.
La faccio immediatamente. Come ben sai adoro i piselli in tutte le salse. He he
Ottima!! Da leccarsi i baffi. Sono sempre in trepida attesa di provare le vostre buonissime ricette, grazie grazie!
E brava Stefi è bello avere seguaci che le provano ste ricette!!! Quasi quasi do a GP un po’ di pasta madre da portarti quando lo vedo la prossima volta!