Monthly Archive for agosto, 2013

Parmesan and rosemary scones

parmesan and rosemary scones

I am a HUGE fan of scones, particularly the cheese variety. They are often what I go for when I visit a tea room (provided they look home made, that is!). Strangely enough I find they are often disappointing (read :tasteless or stodgy or both).  I often judge how good a particular café/tea room is by its scones and if the cheese ones are good they can count me in as a regular customer.  I baked this particular batch on Saturday in honour of my annual posh tea party with the English book group ladies which always takes place at around this time of the year at my house. In theory it should be an al fresco event, read: in the garden. In practice  the weather is always bad (this is England after all!) so we end up staying indoors. And this is what happened this year AGAIN:  it was nice the day before, it was nice the day after but on the actual day it peed down! Anyway for this event tradition wants that I take out my best china, splash out on some expensive tea (this year was Countess Grey by Fortnum and Mason) and lay the table for a posh do. Continue reading ‘Parmesan and rosemary scones’

Torta di ricotta al profumo di lavanda

 Per fortuna c’è Lucina! Accidenti sto trascurando il blog in modo vergognoso. E sarà sempre peggio, visto che domani parto per le mie settimane russe e sarò un po’ qui e un po’ là. Fino a metà settembre niente cucina, poca Internet, ma incontri, seminari, tanto Tolstoj, Puškin e Volga, Volga, Volga…

Per farmi perdonare e per salutarvi per un po’, posto questa tortina in mezzo a valigie da strizzare, regalini (quasi tutti alimentari) da stipare e relazione del seminario ancora da correggere.

Se una amica va in Provenza e ti porta un sacchetto di lavanda da cucina profumatissima, qualcosa ci devi fare. Già penso a un risotto che ho assaggiato in Svizzera, ma in casa avevo della ricotta di pecora da godere e così ecco qua la torta. La lavanda mi piace molto in cucina, l’unica accortezza è stare molto attenti alle dose. Il rischio-saponetta è in agguato. Grazie Elena!!!

Continue reading ‘Torta di ricotta al profumo di lavanda’

Red lentils dal

red lentils dal

Nothing for ten days and then two recipes all at once? What’s going on? Well….why not, eh? I like living on the edge, me! Seriously, the reason for my absence was simply that I have not been in residence. Like previous years I went to spend a few days in Edinburgh for the fringe festival. Brill! While I was there I met up with my youngest son Tom and , as it’s often the case, we ended up talking about food. Like mother, like son…He loves cooking too and this dal recipe is one of his favourites. So much so that apparently he “inflicts” it on his girlfriend at least once a week (I’m sure she is getting a bit fed up by now, good though it is!).! Anyway, dal is a very common Indian dish made with pulses. This simple but flavoursome version is based on red lentils. What I like about this recipe is that it’s very straightforward and can be used as a base. You can try adding other vegetables to it such as chick peas, potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, tomatoes etc.. I have seen many variations on the internet. Served with the naan bread I have just blogged works really well! :-) Continue reading ‘Red lentils dal’

Naan bread

naan bread

I bet I’m not the only one who loves naan bread!  I often order one to accompany a curry when I go to an Indian restaurant. It’s one of my favourite things. Despite my love for it, for some reasons, I never attempted making one until now. I thought it was complicated and you needed a special oven. But apparently not so:  you can use a normal oven at a very high temperature. A bit like what you would do for a pizza. So I had a go (being very interested in bread, as you know) at making some to accompany a vegetarian Indian dish called  dal recommended to me by my son Tom (recipe to follow).  The naan bread turned out just as it should be: lovely and fluffy on the inside and slightly crispy on the outside. Great! Definitely something I shall do again. By the way the recipe I used is by Madhur Jaffrey, slightly adapted. Continue reading ‘Naan bread’

Blueberry preserve

blueberry preserve

Let me introduce you to another wonderful  jam to add to the collection of those already blogged. I have actually called it “preserve” to make it sound grander and better. In truth I didn’t have a clue until a few days ago what the difference was between jams and preserves. I thought it had something to do with the sugar/fruit ratio but in actual fact, following an extensive research on Google (and where would I be without it?), I learnt that it’s got more to do with how mashed up the fruit is. Apparently a preserve contains chunkier (if not whole) pieces of fruit. As you can definitely see whole blueberries inside mine let’s go for the posh name. You will be impressed to know that the blueberries I used were actually wild and handpicked by yours truly (with the help of her long suffering husband :-) ). It can’t get more wholesome than this! It’s really satisfying to forage and cook with stuff you have found growing in the wild. Continue reading ‘Blueberry preserve’