Oh yes! No cakes today for you, my friends! I have a lovely, healthy recipe instead: beetroot soup!! As mentioned before I LOVE soups and often make them, particularly in winter. (And let’s be honest: we are still there aren’t we? Today there must have been one degree! Complete with a flurry of snow. :-() They are sooooooooooooooo easy! People who buy them ready made should be shot. You basically throw any vegetables you have in a pot together with a potato and an onion (which are key ingredients) , boil them up in some vegetable stock and when they are soft you liquidize the lot. Hey presto! You have soup! What could be easier? I know Candi is not a big fan of soups…or at least the people in her life. But what a quick and easy way to eat your five a day vegetables, don’t you think? This one has a fantastic colour, as you can see from the picture: a real dark velvety red. I made it using red/orange vegetables (beetroot, carrots and sweet potato- which is orange here!). Quick and delicious. P.S. Today is Mother’s day here in the UK. So happy Mother’s day to all the mums who read this blog! Let’s face it: it’s one of the hardest jobs!!!!
3 large beetroots
1 large onion
1 large sweet potato
2 carrots
vegetable stock (enough to cover all vegetables)
chopped parsley (optional)
2-3 tbspoons virgin olive oil
Put all chopped vegetables in a pan (or pressure cooker) and cook until they are soft (approximately 40 minutes). Liquidize. Add some olive oil and sprinkle a bit of parsley on the top. If you prefer instead of olive oil you could swirl a bit of sour cream on the top.
questa la devo provare. Scioccherò i mie commensali, provocherò una rivoluzione famigliare, ma ci provo. Devo solo trovare le barbabietole rosse crude. Oh dici che si può fare anche con quelle al forno?
Prova anche con quelle già cotte. Basta che non abbiano l’aceto! Poi mi dirai se la rivoluzione rossa ha avuto frutti….
Rivoluzione russa o rossa? Hahaha buona fortuna Candida.
Ricetta gia’ sperimentata dalla sottoscritta quando possedeva l’orticello. Garantisco il risultato: goduria per gli occhi e per il palato. Brava Lucina.
Rossa rossa, visto che nella tradizione russa antica rosso è uguale a bello (stessa parola)! Non un orticello andrò in cerca di queste barbabietole, ma perché in Italia le cuociono subito? Cresceranno già così??
Candida, alla fine quali barbabietole hai usato, già cotte o crude? Sto pensando di fare questa soup questa settimana e stavo giusto pensando come può venire con le barbabietole già cotte!
non l’ho fatta perché speravo di trovare le barbabietole crude.