Stefi, this is for you! I have been promising to put this recipe on line for ages but kept on blogging other things instead. Sorry! Anyway, here it is at long last! I don’t know why I haven’t thought of blogging this before as I’ve made it many times in the past and always with excellent results. Definitely one to be shared, then! One of the things I LOVED about Amsterdam when I went there was……no! Not the Van Gogh’s paintings but indeed the apple cakes I had the pleasure of eating in its various cafes. Amongst the best I have ever had! Apple cakes are one of my favourites, particularly if they have a high content of fruit in them, like in this case. What I also like about this recipe is its streuseul and nutty topping. Crunchy and delicious! When I got back from Holland I tried to recreate the best one I had eaten over there by getting inspiration from different recipes found on line. There are so many versions out there! By the way this cake is great eaten warm accompanied by some whipped cream or vanilla ice cream. Or both. Throroughly indulgent!
1 packet sweet shortcrust pastry (of course a home made one would be even nicer!)
8 medium eating apples, such as coxes or gray pippins (not bramleys)
4 tbs lemon juice
60 gr. soft brown sugar
80 gr. white sugar
140 gr. plain flour
1 tsp grated nutmeg
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tspoon salt
120 gr. butter
120 gr. chopped walnuts or pecans
a handful of nuts such as hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, almonds, slightly chopped (for the topping)
Line a buttered 23 cm. cake tin with the pastry. Put in the fridge for half an hour.
Meanwhile core, peel and slice apples. Place apples and lemon juice in a bowl, mix well.
Mix brown sugar, white sugar, flour, nutmeg, cinnamon, and salt. Add butter and whizz in the food processor until it resembles crumbs. Add chopped walnuts or pecans.
Add half the mixture to the apples and mix to coat.
Place apple mixture into cake tin lined with the pastry, then evenly sprinkle the rest of the struesel crumbs on top. Finish off with the mixed nuts.
Put foil around the cake. Bake at 190 degrees for 40 minutes; remove foil and bake an additional 20 minutes.
Una pallina di gelato alla vaniglia completera’ il capolavoro. 😉
Otto mele! e io che ne mettevo solo 4 nella mia normale torta di mele…
Siiii! Grazie della ricetta, la provero’ sicuramente quanto prima!
E poi mi farai sapere,eh? 😉
Mmmmm….squisita! Oggi ho cucinato un’ottima cenetta: soup di barbabietole,patate e carote…ottima, focaccia con ricotta e zucchine….divina anche se nn ho trovato la ricotta di bufala…. E per finire questa golosissima torta!! Grazie delle vostre magnifiche ricette:-)
E grazie a te che le sperimenti! Vuol dire che il blog la sua funzione ce l’ha!!!
Direi che svolgete proprio un’ottima funzione!!! Braveeeee