How to be a domestic slut

How to be a domestic slut (during cooking)

And WHO is this domestic slut, I hear you ask? Or perhaps slob would be a bit kinder…Well, none other than yours truly! Ok I’m a bit harsh on myself. My title is a bit tongue and cheek aimed to grab the reader’s attention. In truth I simply want to share with you a few amusing thoughts about house keeping….or more precisely cooking. First of all, for the Italian people who don’t know (the English people will immediately recognize my hidden reference) the play on words derives from a very famous chef here in the UK called Nigella Lowson. She has appeared in many a television cookery series . One of her cookery books is entitled How to be a domestic goddess. And a goddess she certainly is…at least to the male population. She is rather beautiful and curvaceous and she flirts with the viewers in a rather overt way. I’m not a prude, don’t get me wrong, but I DO confess I get a bit irritated at times after the umpteenth flutter of her eyelashes and conspiratorial looks while she is opening her MASSIVE fridge (I want one of them!) and talking about yet another of her nightly food forays. Not to mention the way she unashamedly flaunts her boobs. Am I harsh? Perhaps… Anyway, what I want to chat with you about has got nothing to do with Nigella. I was talking to some friends recently trying to ascertain HOW they cook, or more precisely: do they tidy up and put things away as they go along or leave everything out and tidy up at the very end? I think you can have a pretty good guess to which category I belong from the before and after pictures (or more precisely: during and after) I have blogged. I reckon one is either a messy cook (or domestic slut….jokingly, of course) or a tidy cook (domestic goddess. Again, I’m joking), judging by what people have told me. Personally I can’t be bothered to put things away while in the midst of my cooking frenzy. My husband gets INCENSED when he walks in the kitchen while I’m busy preparing something and see the almighty mess I make. In fact he keeps well away or he would go apopleptic…But hey ho! That’s how I operate. And I DO tidy everything up once I’ve finished. I’m not such a slob after all. By the way: I was making Irish soda bread when I took the “during cooking” picture. I think you can spot it in the photo, if you are clever enough. In the after picture you can see the Proms programme that one of my lovely ex students (Lizzie) sent me last week. I appreciated it so much I have left it on the working top. Now to blog that Irish soda bread….

The domestic goddess is BACK (after cooking)

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2 Responses to “How to be a domestic slut”

  • Lucina! Da PIetroburgo ti leggo eridacchio. Io cerco di stare nella prima categoria, anche se non ci crederai. Ma non sempre mi riesce. Ma cosa diavolo è un proms programme????

    • Beh allora tu sei la goddess ed io la slob…Le cose si bilanciano! Ha ha! La verità è che è una questione d’abitudine. Ovviamente io sono stata abituata male! :-) I proms sono una serie di concerti di musica classica molto famosi organizzati dalla BBC che hanno luogo al Royal Albert Hall di Londra nel periodo estivo. Quest’anno sono dal 13 luglio all’8 settembre. La mia ex studentessa lavora per la BBC quindi sapendo che ero interessata mi ha spedito il programma cartaceo. Eccoti il sito web: Ci sono sempre voluta andare ma non ne ho mai avuto l’occasione. Ma quest’anno, essendo a Londra per le Olimpiadi, sono riuscita a prenotare un concerto. Evviva!

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