Sometimes time is the essence, particularly when you have a demanding job (am I right, Candi?). Cooking anything too complicated is simply not an option when you get home from work dog tired but it’s still nicer to rustle something simple up and prepare your food from scratch than buying a ready made meal and sticking it in the microwave. Much healthier-and cheaper. This is where a nice omelette (frittata in Italian) can do the job very nicely, thank you. It requires minimum effort and if you can get hold of some free range eggs and organic vegetables it can be tasty and wholesome too. I have made many different ones. With mushrooms, spinach, courgettes, onions…. This particular omelette it’s especially nice because it combines the sweetness of the leeks with the saltiness of the feta cheese. It’s a favourite of mine.
4 eggs (possibly free range)
2-3 tablespoons milk
2 leeks (thinly sliced)
100 gr. feta cheese (crumbled)
1 tablespoon olive oil
Gently shallow fry the leeks in a frying pan in the olive oil. Beat the eggs and add the milk and the seasoning (don’t put too much salt as the feta cheese is already rather salty). When the leeks are nice and soft add the beaten eggs. Crumble the feta cheese on the top. Let it cook gently. I always finish off the omelette under a hot grill rather than turning it in the pan and ending up with a right old mess! Serve it with a nice salad.
Aspetta aspetta! Questa è la frittata di Colombo! Non mi era mai venuto in mente di finire la cottura al grill ed evitare così rovinose capovolte. Ma sei un genio!!!
Però ci vuole una padella che vada sul fornello e in forno. Mi attrezzerò…
Little did I know that the grill trick hadn’t reached Lombardy! He he. Seriously it’s a good tip as not only the frittata doesn’t break but it also rises under the heat so that it becomes nice and fluffy. This is what this blog is for, my dear, to swap these simple ideas. And by the way, yes you must make sure that your frying pan handles can withstand the heat. By the way I’m making a quiche tonight using your rice flour recipe. I’ll report back.
Questa frittata e’ piaciuta molto anche ai parenti vicini di pianerottolo!
Un sapore deciso e accattivante, e poi si prepara davvero in fretta! Buonissima