Tag Archive for 'healthy food'

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Insalata di riso rosso all’orata e alle fave


E adesso un pausa leggera dopo tutti quei dolciumi! Con questo caldo spopolano le insalate di riso e io sono sempre alla riceva di un’alternativa giusta per chi non ama cetriolini e sottaceti vari, visto che in famiglia non sono molto apprezzati. Ecco questa idea che mi è venuta per finire un po’ di orata avanzata e usare le erbette che ho seminato a primavera.

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Salt Awareness Week

 Inizia la settimana di sensibilizzazione sull’uso moderato del sale come aiuto per prevenire gli ictus. Ingeriamo più del doppio del sale necessario e i cibi preparati sono i maggiori responsabili, anche perché ci abituano il gusto al sale. Giusto per riflettere un po’ sui nostri comportamenti alimentari.

Beetroot and pecan nuts hummus

beetroot and pecan nuts hummus

Dear Candi, here I am with another healthy recipe, in answer to your  “naughty” mousse. I’m DETERMINED you try cooking with beetroot. I thought I didn’t like them myself until I cooked my first one, remember? It was love at first sight…ok taste. You MUST have a go and force your family to reconsider their hate for this glorious vegetable. The colour alone- a lovely shade of shocking purply/pink- is worth cooking with, don’t you think? AND, apart from anyhting else, it has incredible properties (it cleanses your kidneys, bla bla bla). Anyway, this particular recipe is absolutely gorgeous and bound to convert a few philistines. It’s easy to make, it tastes divine and it’s ideal as a starter with crudités (see picture). Or I guess as an accompaniment to cheeses or cold meats. You must try it when your next hoard of famished people descends on you! Once again I found the recipe, which I slightly adapted, in my River Cottage Every day book already mentioned (…. more than once in fact. I’m fast becoming a fan of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. I must bring you a copy of this particular book when I come to Italy in March). Wouldn’t you agree that the colour alone is amazing????? By the way, I doubled the doses stated in the recipe as I had quite a few hungry people coming for dinner and didn’t want to run out…. Continue reading ‘Beetroot and pecan nuts hummus’

Baked sea bream with fennel and onion

baked sea bream with fennel and onion

I am blogging this  über healthy recipe to counter balance the very indulgent ones we have been sharing recently. We seem to favour cakes and all manner of sweet, and may I add unhealthy, delights on our blog but not as many main courses (meat/fish, etc). I wonder why that is. :-) Anyway this particular dish can’t be accused of being “bad” for you or fattening so here I am promoting it to our little group of foodie friends. An interesting thing to report here is that I had NO idea what the Italian word for sea bream was when I embarked on the idea of cooking it. I had had sea bream in restaurants before, of course, but had no idea what the Italian word for it was. In truth something linguistically very peculiar has been taking place with fish ever since I moved to this country many many years ago. Namely, I know the English- Italian translation of many bog standard fish (like salmon, trout, sole, cod, etc.) but navigate a little further afield (in the world of the sea bream, sea bass, red snapper and such like) and I’m totally and utterly lost. Clueless in fact! Continue reading ‘Baked sea bream with fennel and onion’



Faccio spesso l’hummus perché a casa piace a tutti e lo considero un piatto un po’ calorico forse ma molto utile: è pieno di colesterolo buono, di proteine vegetali; insomma, un buon modo per evitare di mangiare carne, una volta tanto. E’ un piatto tipico del Medio Oriente, lo fanno tutti, al di là delle differenze e diffidenze: armeni, turchi, arabi, israeliani… Mette d’accordo proprio tutti. Vale la pena provare anche noi…

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Fish chowder with Asian flavours

fish chowder with Asian flavours

Hello hello hello! And sorry for not publishing for a little while. The reason was very simple: partly I have eaten out a lot (hence ZERO cooking) and partly I have been bogged down with marking (this is the exam season and I’m a teacher…) which meant I have had very little time to experiment in the kitchen or to assemble anything more complicated than scrambled eggs or salads. I don’t think you would have been impressed if I had blogged what I have been eating for the past ten days. Trust me.  But I’ve finished marking now soooooooo………. back to cooking! And quick! I am getting fed up with opening my fridge and grabbing the first thing I can lay my hands on. Plus Candi is in Ecuador at the moment leaving me in charge! I can’t let her down… :-) Enough rambling on…..The recipe I’m blogging tonight comes from Nigella Lawson. I have made it several times. It’s ever so quick but really tasty. PLUS it is healthy too. After the latest calories ridden recipes I thought that we had to atone.

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Niçoise salad

Et voilà! I have also managed to take a picture of my latest creation ( read: what we had for supper tonight)and upload it on the blog. HOW clever am I, eh? Ok, it took me the best part of two hours to work out how to send the photo from my phone to the computer (GRRRR!), and then on to the blog BUT I DID IT! Can’t say Bill ( my poor husband) was impressed about my Oliviero Toscani’s attempts to photograph his food before he could eat it. I do confess it took a few attempts before I was satisfied with the results. Continue reading ‘Niçoise salad’