I am becoming quite the domesticated woman now, making my own jam and chutney, and this is my latest “baby”. By the way in Italian it is called marmellata di albicocche. Sounds good,eh? I had never made it before but got the inspiration while I was in Corsica (sorry to bang on about my holiday) where I ate some really gorgeous apricot jam. I read somewhere that the kernels add an interesting flavour to it so I didn’t throw them away but added them at the end. I put less sugar than other recipes state as I like a bit of tartness. It’s really simple to make (MUCH simpler than the Seville orange I made last which was a right old faff ) and it tastes fabulous. It also goes very well as an accompaniment to strong cheeses. I must make some more soon before apricots disappear off the shelves. Plus my good friend Janet gave me a gorgeous (and massive) preserving pan for my birthday which I MUST christen.
1 kilo fresh apricots
750 gr. jam sugar
juice of 1 small lemon
250 ml. water
Halve the apricots, remove the stones and put in a pan with the water and the lemon juice. Bring to the boil and simmer for approx. 15 minutes (until the fruit is soft).
Remove from the heat and add the sugar. Stir until it has dissolved then put the pan back on the heat and boil rapidly for another 15 minutes (or until it has set).
In the meantime crack the apricot stones and remove the kernels. Blanch in boiling water for a couple of minutes, then drain them. The skin will just pop off very easily.
Add the blanched kernels to the jam and put in your sterilized jars. Voilà!
oh accidenti, mi sa che non faccio in tempo. Quando torno le albicocche saranno sparite. Già ora cominciano a costare un po’ di più
E quanti barattoli vengono con queste dosi?
E poi… volevamo anche una foto della fabulous preserving pan!
Se non sbaglio con un chilo di albicocche ti vengono approssimativamente cinque barattoli non troppo grandi. La vedrete senz’altro la foto della preserving pan non appena faccio un’altra marmellata. Mi sa che una delle prossime sarà quella di more.