Here’s another new recipes for those soup fans like myself who want to experiment a little. Let’s face it: autumn is on its way (or have we just had it? We have had such a shocking summer this year! Last week’s blamy temperatures will not redeem it…) and nothing is more warming than a lovely bowl of soup with some nice bread. I had a tin of chestnuts in my cupboard which I discovered while pretending to tidy it up. I needed to use it as it was near its sell by date so I scoured my recipe books for some ideas. In the end I plumped for this one by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall. In fact, Candi, it’s in his Veg every day book I gave you for Christmas. The sage (which is growing wildly in my garden) gives it an unusual flavour. I like its velvety consistency. Definitely one I’ll make again.
1 tbsp rapeseed or olive oil.
15g butter.
1 onion, chopped.
6 sage leaves, roughly chopped, plus extra to finish.
1 small garlic clove, finely chopped.
1 litre vegetable stock.
400g cooked, peeled chestnuts.
100ml crème fraîche, plus extra for garnish.
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper.
Sunflower oil, for frying.
1. Heat 1 tablespoon of oil and the butter in a saucepan over a medium-low heat and sweat the onion for about 10 minutes, until soft and translucent. Add the sage and garlic and sauté for a minute.
2. Pour in the stock and add most of the chestnuts – reserve a handful for finishing. Season with salt and pepper, increase the heat and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring from time to time.
3. Remove from the heat and cool slightly, then purée until very smooth in a blender. Return the soup to the pan, add the crème fraîche and adjust the seasoning if necessary. Warm through gently, but do not let it boil.
4.Meanwhile, slice the reserved chestnuts. Heat some sunflower oil in a small frying pan over a medium heat and sauté the extra sage leaves for a few seconds until crisp, then drain on kitchen paper.
5.Ladle the soup into bowls, add a small spoon of crème fraiche and gently swirl into the soup. Scatter on the chestnuts and sage leaves and serve immediately.
Intrigante e originale! La provero’ senza dubbio.
Uhm… anch’io ho un pacco di castagne surgelate avanzate dall’autunno. E come vedi anche tu, qui in Lombardia oggi è proprio tempo da zuppa. Ne posterò una anch’io prima o poi, che si fa in Abruzzo, ceci e castagne. Ma parlami del rapeseed oil… mai usato?!!!!
Neanch’io lo avevo mai usato ma il nostro amico Hugh Fearnley lo predilige nelle sue ricette. Non so perché . Io me ne sono comprata una bottiglia per provarlo ma l’olio d’oliva dovrebbe andare bene.