Monthly Archive for febbraio, 2011

Celeriac gratin with chilli and garlic

Hey Candi, I can’t remember if I told you but I have been getting a weekly delivery of vegetables since August. All kosha stuff (organic and local). Only problem is, because I order the seasonal veggie box, sometimes I get the same vegetables week in, week out.  At the moment there are lots of root vegetables, like for example swedes (which, to enlighten you Italians, look  like big turnips, orange inside. I have never seen them in Italy) which are fast becoming the bane of my life. After all  there’s a limit to how many you can cook in a week (same with cabbages). Consequently they are building up in my cupboard and developing a lovely mould like coating. Anyway  I managed to put one out of its misery and cooked it tonight (mashed, with a little butter and pepper) to accompany the cottage pie I made (bog standard stuff , but nice all the same). But  the recipe I want to share with you right now  is the other vegetable dish I made: namely some gorgeous baked celeriac (= sedano rapa in Italian) au gratin. Continue reading ‘Celeriac gratin with chilli and garlic’

We are on Twitter!!

What? We have a Twitter feed? How advanced is that? I confess that it was my son’s idea, who is the world expert on all things Twittery. Personally I had NEVER used it before, nor knew how it worked or what its purpose was , to be honest. In fact I always thought it was a colossal waste of time and a self indulgent activity at that (because the blog isn’t , of course…he he). But apparently it’s a MUST if you want to call yourself technologically savvy. So he ( my son Tom) gave me a crash lesson in how to use it. Bless him! It would seem you CAN teach an old dog new tricks!  Really quite simple this Twitter lark (when you know how, of course). So from now on the plan is to tell people on Twitter when a new blog is available. Question is: will ANY of the followers of this blog use it? Mmmmh…. Not sure about that. Perhaps you should learn how it works too, Candi! And by the way for the people who are already Twitter friendly, click here to access it :!/Ricettemisfatti. See what you can do peeps!

Lasagne zucca e gorgonzola

Nei commenti mi chiedevi una ricetta con la zucca. Faccio subito a razzo, senza nemmeno la foto (se aspetto di cucinare e fotografare ti va a male la zucca!). Anche noi in questo periodo facciamo un gran consumo di zucche. L’ultima volta che l’ho cucinata l’ho fatta nelle lasagne.  Ho fatto cuocere mezza zucca (400 gr. circa da pulita) a fettine a vapore lasciandola un po’ al dente. Poi ho fatto le lasagne come al solito, alternando uno strato di pasta, uno di zucca, ricoprendo con una besciamella leggermente liquida amalgamata con il gorgonzola (250 gr nella besciamella fatta con 1 litro di latte), una grattatina di noce moscata e una grattatona di parmigiano. L’ultimo strato solo besciamella e parmigiano, qualche fiocchetto di burro e via in forno 170° per mezzora (usando la pasta per lasagne fresche da mettere subito in forno).

Crumble di mele e albicocche

Visto che tu invadi il mio territorio e proponi una insalata nizzarda (la mia mamma è di Nizza), io occupo una tua posizione e posto questa crumble che ho fatto ieri sera in fretta e furia perché venivano i ragazzi a cena. La prima crumble della mia vita l’ho mangiata proprio da te: bimbi piccoli, la tua seconda casa inglese e una profumata dolce-agra torta all’uva spina. Eh, i ricordi! So che la foto della crumble che emerge dalle nere fauci del forno non avrebbe l’approvazione di Bill, ma è già tanto che l’abbia fatta prima che finisse! Continue reading ‘Crumble di mele e albicocche’

Niçoise salad

Et voilà! I have also managed to take a picture of my latest creation ( read: what we had for supper tonight)and upload it on the blog. HOW clever am I, eh? Ok, it took me the best part of two hours to work out how to send the photo from my phone to the computer (GRRRR!), and then on to the blog BUT I DID IT! Can’t say Bill ( my poor husband) was impressed about my Oliviero Toscani’s attempts to photograph his food before he could eat it. I do confess it took a few attempts before I was satisfied with the results. Continue reading ‘Niçoise salad’

Courgette tea bread

Hey Candi, sorry for not posting until now after all the happy hours we spent talking about this shared, dual language recipe swapping blog. I won’t bore you with the details but having to go every day to hospital is largely to blame…:-(

Anyway, I thought I would share a cake recipe here which I made for my book group ladies last week. I was hosting the event and, as the group has been running for well over three years, every imaginable cake has been made and eaten by now. They are a demanding lot these ladies – as well as very good cooks- so I scoured my personal library  for something a bit unusual. I finally found it in a very good recipe book by Rachel Allen called Bake. It’s made with courgettes, YES courgettes. It’s a bit like a carrot cake. It is certainly different and  VERY GOOD! I promise….

Here’s the recipe: Continue reading ‘Courgette tea bread’

Primo scambio veloce

spaghetti al pesto con pomodorini secchi

spaghetti al pesto con pomodorini

Ciao Lucina! Ecco una prima prova. Numero zero. Passeggiando su e giù per Buxton avevamo parlato del pesto di pomodorini secchi. Eccone qua uno veloce con le mandorle. Continue reading ‘Primo scambio veloce’