Monthly Archive for novembre, 2013

Castagne al brandy

  Per un chilo di castagne non sbucciate e 3 vasetti medi.

300 gr. zucchero

300 gr. acqua

un bacello di vaniglia

1 stecchetta di cannella

la scorza di un limone BIO non trattato

100 gr. alcol puro

250 gr. brandy


Faccio uno sciroppo con lo zucchero, l’acqua e le spezie. Lo faccio bollire 8 minuti. Spengo, filtro e quando è tiepido ci verso dentro l’alcol e il brandy. Intanto ho fatto le caldarroste. Io ne faccio 1/2 kg alla volta in microonde: solo grill per 10 minuti più 5 minuti con la funzione mista, grill e onde (avendo cura di inciderle tutte per bene, altrimenti scoppiano).

Sbuccio le castagne ancora calde (è più facile) e le metto in tre vasetti medi sterilizzati (in forno a 120° o bollendo almeno 10 minuti). Vi verso lo sciroppo con il brandy in modo che siano ben ricoperte. Chiudo bene e conservo in luogo fresco, asciutto e buio per almeno un mese. Fatele adesso per Natale.

Poi le posso mangiare: non solo come dolce. Sono deliziose con formaggi forti tipo pecorino o con il lardo.


Canederli agli spinaci

canederli agli spinaci

As I promised on my return from my summer holidays in the Dolomites here I am blogging a typical dish from that area ( which I finally got round to making) : the legendary canederli. What are they? I hear you ask…. Well, the best way to describe them is they are big bread dumplings which are cooked in boiling salted water. A bit like gnocchi. They were originally a peasant dish. I have made the vegetarian version (with spinach and cheese) but the traditional ones contain speck which is a smoked ham from those mountains. I tried both versions when I was in Italy, as well as those made with beetroot. All delicious,  and a great way to use stale bread. They are not difficult to prepare and are very tasty (as well as VERY filling). Recipes on the internet vary but here’s what I did. It worked first time. Continue reading ‘Canederli agli spinaci’

Biscoitos de maizena (take 2)


biscoitos de maizena (take 2)

If Candi is also jumping on the maizena band wagon I can’t NOT (can you have a double negative in English? I am not sure!) blog the second experiment with maizena biscuits which I promised you. The ones only using  maizena flour, remember? The advantage of this version is that they can be enjoyed by gluten intolerant people. I must say this 100% maizena flour variety is every bit as nice as the previous one and certainly as easy to make, if not easier. I particularly like their yellowish colour and their slightly coarser  texture, (because of the maizena flour which basically resembles polenta, only finer). I reduced the amount of butter and sugar the recipe suggested but even then I confess there is quite a lot of both in them. Oh well!   You only need to have ONE with your tea or coffee. It won’t send your cholesterol levels sky high, surely! Continue reading ‘Biscoitos de maizena (take 2)’

Torta caprese al limone… di nuovo la maizena

Ho adattato e rifatto una ricetta di Giallo Zafferano per questa torta un po’ calorica ma davvero goduriosa. Niente farina, solo maizena e mandorle che le danno corpo. Io sono partita dalle mandorle intere (mi erano appena arrivate dalla Sicilia) che ho sbucciato tuffandole per qualche minuto in acqua bollente, ma niente impedisce di comprare la farina di mandorle che si trova dappertutto. Dà veramente tante soddisfazioni. Continue reading ‘Torta caprese al limone… di nuovo la maizena’

Biscoitos de maizena

biscoitos de maizena

Yes, I am blogging in Portuguese! Well…at least the name of the recipe. It sounds much more enticing. Let me tell you why I ended up making these lovely little biscuits. The inspiration to bake them actually came from Candi’s post (biscottini al limone). Last weekend I tried making them but sadly they turned into a misdemeanour (read:they ended up in the bin). Why? Because I must have put too much bicarbonate of soda in them and you could taste it when you ate them. Oh dear!  Candi’s teaspoon must be much smaller than mine. :-(  Never mind: I know what to do next time. Anyway, I noticed that one of Candi’s biscottini al limone’s ingredients was maizena. Only a tablespoon of it but still. It so happened that I had a small bag of it in my cupboard, still unopened and about to expire with NO idea what to make with it so I started searching the net for biscuits recipes requiring maizena flour. Continue reading ‘Biscoitos de maizena’