Roasted butternut squash with feta cheese

roasted butternut squash and feta cheese

Well…this is the season of pumpkins, is it not, with Halloween just gone, so it’s not surprising that  I’ve found myself cooking a lot of dishes which are pumpkin based. In this case I’ve used butternut squash, which belongs to the same family but it’s  perhaps a bit tastier. Anyway, this is a nice, simple dish you could have as a light supper on its own (perhaps with a nice salad) or as a side dish. The combination of the sweetness of the butternut squash and the saltiness of the feta cheese works particularly well. I have also added some parmesan for good measure, being a cheese lover.


1 small butternut squash

150 gr. feta cheese

3 heaped tablespoons grated parmesan

80 gr. breadcrumbs

3-4 tablespoons olive oil

some dried oregano

seasoning (but careful not to put too much salt as the feta is  already rather salty )


Peel the butternut squash and cut into slices. Coat with the olive oil , then put on a baking dish, and crumble the feta cheese on the top. Mix the grated parmesan, breadcrumbs, oregano and seasoning with a bit of olive oil. Put on top of the butternut squash and roast in a hot oven (220 degrees) for approx 25 minutes (until the top is golden and the butternut squash is soft).

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4 Responses to “Roasted butternut squash with feta cheese”

  • Prima pensavo che questa misteriosa butternut squash (che nella mia mente chissà perché traducevo purè di burro nocciolato o di nocciola burrata) fosse molto esotica e noi non ce l’avessimo. Ora ho capito: semplicemente noi chiamiamo zucca molte varietà diverse che voi in Inghilterra precisoni distinguete con diverse parole. Ora che l’ho capito sono più tranquilla e proverò con la coscienza pulita questo abbinamento con la feta.

  • Finalmente ho trovato questa zucca in un negozio e ho provato a farla cosi’, e’ venuta molto bene! Gustosa e croccante, da golosi! Da rifare sicuramente:-)

  • Caspita che combinazione! A un anno di distanza ho rifatto questa ricetta buonissima, devo ricordarmi di farla più frequentemente perché ha un gusto davvero appagante

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