Tag Archive for 'finger food'

Baci di dama alle mandorle e al parmigiano


Ci siamo viste con Lucina… e una chiacchiera dopo l’altra mi sono sentita pimpante e rigenerata. Com’è che ha sempre questo effetto su di me quella ragazza? Così due giorni dopo mi è venuta voglia di fare qualcosa di speciale e mi sono ricordata di questi salatini che sembrano dolcetti fatti tanto tempo fa per degli amici. Anche questa volta erano per amici, appena trovati, ormai parenti si potrebbe dire. Insomma, la vita ha sempre tante sorprese…

Ho preso la ricetta da Giallo Zafferano, modificandola un po’. Continue reading ‘Baci di dama alle mandorle e al parmigiano’

Poppy and sesame seed crackers

poppy and sesame seed crackers

poppy and sesame seed crackers

Hello everyone, just back from my holidays in Slovenia and Italy so I am not quite in the swing of cooking just yet. I am still in a state of thermal shock after diving from 35 plus degrees to 15! Yeek! But that’s England for you. Mind you: I must say it was far too hot on the continent, even for the likes of me! Anyway, yesterday, out of the blue, I decided that the moment had come to try to make some crackers. Eh? Why yesterday and why crackers….? I have never made them in my life. God knows! Still…why not, eh? I like crackers and , let’s be honest, they are better than biscuits, from the point of view of excessive calories. I need to shed some pounds after the strudel excesses I submitted my poor body to in the past few weeks. So no more sweets for a while, and bring in the healthy crackers. I scoured the internet and ended up with a recipe which is a mixture of many. The results were quite promising:  a nice , crunchy texture with loads of omega 3 seeds on the top.  Ideal to have with hummus or cheese. I will try some other recipes in the future, of course. I will keep you paged. Continue reading ‘Poppy and sesame seed crackers’