Monthly Archive for luglio, 2014

Verdurine fritte in pastella

verdurine fritte in pastella

Once again I resort to the Italian title which sounds a lot nicer than its English equivalent. Basically these are vegetable strips fried in a light batter. The novelty is that they include courgettes’ flowers (in the picture they are the blobby things in the  bottom right corner). Oh yes! These are a delicacy in Italy and something I have always wanted to try making. You can stuff them, fry them or indeed use them in other recipes. The only problem was they don’t sell the flowers here in the UK (they do in Italy). So imagine my delight when the courgette I planted  and  nurtured this year started growing like mad and producing lots of courgettes as well as flowers! I have never seen anything as big as this plant! It has basically taken over my mini vegetable patch (which I created in an old whisky barrel). Every day I look and another couple of courgettes have sprung up. Unbelievable! Do they all grow as fast as that? Anyway I had 4 flowers to use today so I decided it would be a bit of a waste to make the batter just to fry them, hence the idea of adding other vegetables. I used courgettes (of course), carrots and asparagus. Of course you can try other vegetables too. Peppers would be very nice for example, as well as aubergines or cauliflower. The recipe for the batter, which I thought was very light, came from the Giallo Zafferano website. By the way: you must eat them as soon as you have cooked them or they lose their crunchiness. Needless to say the diet will start tomorrow…ha ha 😉 Continue reading ‘Verdurine fritte in pastella’


Si scriverà poi così? Se si va su Wikipedia c’è da perdere la testa nelle giravolte che fa questo nome a seconda del fazzoletto di terra in cui mangiano questo piatto: un po’ dappertutto nei Balcani, divisi da confini arcigni ma uniti da tante cose in comune, tra queste il cibo.

In questo periodo mi ci sono affezionata e  anche se non fa tanto caldo mi vien sempre voglia di farlo. Oggi me lo sono perfino portata in treno accompagnato da 4 felafel e un pezzo di pane (chissà i susseguiosi vicini della Freccia – in ritardo – cosa avranno pensato). Continue reading ‘Tzatziki’

Il limoncello

qui tocca anche a noi poveri la nostra parte di ricchezza
ed è l’odore dei limoni.
Vedi, in questi silenzi in cui le cose
s’abbandonano e sembrano vicine
a tradire il loro ultimo segreto,
talora ci si aspetta
di scoprire uno sbaglio di Natura,
il punto morto del mondo, l’anello che non tiene,
il filo da disbrogliare che finalmente ci metta
nel mezzo di una verità.

Montale, I limoni

  Non potevo non provarci, a fare il limoncello, visto che la mia sorellina mi ha portato dei bei limoni profumati dal Ponente ligure. Per la ricetta ho gironzellato per internet e alla fine sono arrivata a questa mia versione adattata. Ho cercato di ottenere un liquore non stucchevole, non troppo dolce e con un certo carattere (è un po’ fortino, in effetti, ma mi dicono che deve essere così). La base della ricetta l’ho desunta dal sito ufficiale del Limoncello di Sorrento. Continue reading ‘Il limoncello’

The fabulous grissini torinesi

grissini torinesi

I couldn’t believe how easy these grissini were to make! For the English audience not familiar with the Italian terminology grissini are none other than bread sticks (well…you can see from the picture). I have always loved grissini, particularly the hand made variety from Turin. This is partly because they are objectively gorgeous and partly because they bring back memories of my childhood. My grandparents were Torinesi born and bred and and lived in Turin all their lives. There were always these really long and knobbly grissini on their table. What a treat!  I used to scoff them by the handful. The truth is that once you start eating them there is no stopping you. They are utterly addictive.  Great to have with dips. I followed the recipe from the Sorelle Simili’s book Pane e roba dolce. They vanished in a flash, proof they were indeed truly yummy. Once again I enlisted the help of my 10 years old nephew Ale. While he was here visiting he took a real liking to messing about in the kitchen with me. Every day his first question would be ” And what are we going to bake TODAY, auntie?” Bless him!!! By the way: I am going to disappear for a while. It’s holiday time! Back to the Dolomites. Yes!! Continue reading ‘The fabulous grissini torinesi’

Biscotti: al pistacchio o alle arachidi? Doppia ricetta!

Oggi ricetta double-face. Guardala di qua: è pistacchio, mettici il burro di arachidi è nocciolina! Sono biscotti che vengono sempre bene, l’unico problema è che la quantità di burro che non permette di abusarne. Non sono precisamente i biscotti da dieta quotidiana. Ahi, bisogna fare uno studio, sul biscotto ideale da colazione. Gustoso senza intasarti le arterie! Continue reading ‘Biscotti: al pistacchio o alle arachidi? Doppia ricetta!’

Ciambella bicolore

ciambella bicolore

This is a simple cake ideal to have with a nice cup of tea. It’s half  chocolate sponge and half plain sponge. I have left the Italian name (which means double colour cake) because I made it  with the precious help of my eleven year old Italian nephew Ale, who has come to visit me in England. You can see his big thumb up in the photo. Just like his aunt, Ale is already very interested in experimenting in the kitchen. He is particularly interested in baking bread and I have used him as slave labour to knead the dough in the past few days. I think it’s very important to encourage boys as well as girls to cook. Definitely a skill which will come in useful later on in life Bravo Ale!!! By the way the recipe comes from the blog Zenzero e limone. Enjoy! Continue reading ‘Ciambella bicolore’